Monday, December 5, 2016

Create Carbon Application Archive (CAR) File Using WSO2 Developer Studio

1. Start Developer Studio.
2. Go to Developer Studio > Open Dashboard menu.
3. Click on "ESB Config Project" under "Integration Project".
4. If you want to create the ESB project from existing configuration files, select "Point to Existing Synapse-configs Folder". Otherwise, select "New ESB Config Project" . Then, Click Next.

5. Create a project by giving a name to the project and maven information (Group Id, Artifact Id, Version).

6. Create api, proxy services, sequences, tasks etc that you want to include in the ESB Config project.

7. Build your project. (mvn clean install)
8. Go to Developer Studio > Open Dashboard and  Click on "Composite Application Project" under "Distribution".
9. Give a name to your Composite Project and select all the dependencies that should be included in the CAR Application. Here, I'm adding the ESB Config project that I created in step 4 to CAR application. Then, click "Next"

10. Give maven information (Group Id, Artifact Id, Version). and click "Finish".
11. Click on pom.xml of the created composite application project and go to design view. Select the correct server role of your dependencies.

12. Right click on created composite application project and select "Export Composite Application Project".
13. Give a name, version and export destination to create the CAR app.

14. Now you will find the CAR app in the destination that you gave in the previous step.

You can deploy the created CAR file in WSO2 products as mentioned here.

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